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Gottman Method of Therapy

Over the weekend I had an opportunity to attend the Level 1 training of the Gottman Method of Therapy in beautiful Mill Valley, California. I spent two days learning assessment and intervention with couples with nine other therapists from around Northern California. I have been looking forward to attending this training for quite some time, because I've always enjoyed everything I have read and heard about the Gottman Method. So what is the Gottman Method? Drs. John and Julie Gottman developed a method for working with couples in therapy based on extensive research of thousands of couples. The basic goals are to increase respect, affection, and closeness within couples; provide methods for dealing with conflict when couples feel "stuck"; generate a greater understanding between partners; and keep conflict discussions calm.

Over the next several months, I plan to complete Levels 2 and Levels 3 of the Gottman Therapist Training and start working toward becoming a Certified Gottman Therapist. Although this is an extensive process, I am excited to transform my work with couples and families by applying this well-researched process into my practice. If you are interested in learning more about the Gottman Method, check out their website at or ask me for more information. I'm excited to share my enhanced knowledge in this area!

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